The National Emblem


The National Emblem

What is a National Emblem?

A national emblem is a symbol or representation that is unique to a particular country and is widely recognized as a visual representation of that nation. It is typically an image, a coat of arms, or a design that embodies the values, culture, history, or achievements of the country. National emblems serve as official symbols and are often used in government documents, official seals, flags, currency, passports, and other official materials.

Examples of national emblems include the bald eagle for the United States, the maple leaf for Canada, the lion for the United Kingdom, and the dragon for Wales. These emblems help to distinguish a country and its people, and they are often regarded with pride and reverence by citizens to symbolize their national identity.

The National Emblem is one of the national symbols of Papua New Guinea as listed under Section 3 of the Constitution. The Constitution list out the national symbols as follows:

  1. Flag
  2. Emblem
  3. Motto
  4. Seal
  5. Anthem

The National Identity Act (Chapter 9) implements section 3 of the Constitution by making provision for the National Emblem.

National Emblem of Papua New Guinea

The Act describes the National Emblem describe in Schedule 3 and reproduces the emblem a reproduction in Schedule 4. This description and reproduction is declared to be the National Emblem of Papua New Guinea. There is a large bird of paradise (Genus paradisaea) on the Papua New Guinea national emblem. Its head is turned to the left, and it is sitting on the upturned grip of a horizontal Kundu drum, with the drum’s head to the right of the bird. Behind the bird, a horizontal ceremonial spear sticks out, with its head to the left of the bird.

“The Papua New Guinea National Emblem is a partially-stylized representation of the widespread Bird of Paradise Genus paradisaea in display, head turned to its left, seated on the upturned grip of a horizontal Kundu drum with the drum-head to the right side of the bird, from behind which a horizontal ceremonial spear projects with the head to the left of the bird.”

Rules as to use of National Emblem

The Head of State may make and publish rules in connection with the use of the National Emblem and of stylized or other versions of it for special uses. The Head of State will only make such publication upon advice from the National Executive Council.

Official use

The National Emblem shall be used for all official purposes of the Government. It shall also be used on all occasions on which it is customary to use a national emblem or national arms.

Improper use

If a person who is not being authorized by the Head of State or by any law, directly or indirectly prints or publishes any written or printed matter in or on which there appears the National Emblem is guilty of an offence. The penalty for this offence is a fine not exceeding K50.00. The State can only sue the offender upon consent of the Attorney General.

All in all, the emblem helps to distinguish Papua New Guinea and its citizens, and it is often regarded with pride and reverence by citizens to symbolize their national identity.

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