Legal Consequences of Destroying Official Stock Records


Legal Consequences of Destroying Official Stock Records

Maintaining the integrity of official livestock records is essential for proper stock management and regulatory compliance. According to Part IV, Division 6, Section 53 of the Animals Act (Chapter 329), unlawfully destroying, defacing, injuring, or altering official documents is a serious offense with significant penalties.

Understanding the Offense

The Act makes it clear that any deliberate action to damage or alter official documents such as the Register, certificates, Brands Directory, or half-yearly statements is considered an offense. These documents are critical for tracking and verifying stock ownership and branding.

Importance of Preserving Official Documents

Preserving the accuracy and condition of these documents is crucial for legal and operational reasons. Alterations or destruction can lead to disputes over stock ownership, hinder regulatory oversight, and disrupt the management of livestock. It undermines the system that ensures proper record-keeping and accountability.

Real-World Examples

For instance, if someone were to destroy a brand register to conceal unauthorized branding, this would be a serious breach. Similarly, altering a certificate of ownership to falsely claim stock could result in legal consequences. Both scenarios highlight the importance of maintaining accurate and intact records.


The penalties for unlawfully destroying or altering official stock records underscore the importance of safeguarding these documents. Ensuring their integrity helps maintain proper stock management and upholds regulatory standards. Adhering to these legal requirements is essential for the smooth operation of livestock management practices.

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