Arrest by Person Executing Warrant of Commitment


Arrest by Person Executing Warrant of Commitment

The Arrest Act (Chapter 339) outlines specific circumstances under which individuals can be arrested without a warrant. One such provision is the authority given to execute a warrant of commitment. Understanding this provision is essential for legal compliance and effective law enforcement.

What is the act of arrest?

Arrest is the act of detaining a person by legal authority, typically by law enforcement, due to suspected involvement in a crime. It involves taking the individual into custody, restricting their freedom of movement, and ensuring they appear before a court. An arrest can be made with or without a warrant, depending on the circumstances and the law’s requirements.

What is a warrant of arrest?

A warrant of arrest is a legal document issued by a court that authorizes law enforcement to detain an individual suspected of committing a crime. This warrant provides the legal basis for arresting the person and bringing them before the court. It typically includes details about the suspect and the alleged offense. Understanding a warrant of arrest is crucial for recognizing the lawful procedures in criminal justice and ensuring the rights of individuals are protected during the arrest process.

What is a warrant of commitment?

A warrant of commitment is a legal document issued by a court that orders the detention of an individual. It is typically used when a person fails to comply with court orders, such as appearing for a scheduled hearing or fulfilling bail conditions. This warrant authorizes law enforcement to arrest the individual and ensure their custody. By enforcing judicial decisions, a warrant of commitment helps maintain legal compliance and ensures that justice is served effectively. Understanding the purpose and function of a warrant of commitment is crucial for both legal professionals and the public.

Legal Grounds for Arrest Without Warrant for Warrant of Commitment

Authority to Arrest

Under Section 7 of the Arrest Act (Chapter 339), if a person subject to a warrant of commitment is not in custody at the time the warrant is to be executed, the authorized individual can arrest that person without a warrant. This provision ensures that individuals who are legally required to be in custody are apprehended promptly.

Execution of the Warrant

The authorized person executing the warrant must act based on the warrant of commitment issued by the court. This ensures that the arrest is legally justified and complies with judicial orders.

Examples Arrest by Person Executing Warrant of Commitment

Example 1: Failure to Appear in Court

Tom was sentenced to imprisonment and released on bail pending an appeal. He fails to appear in court on the scheduled date, and a warrant of commitment is issued. The court officer, finding Tom at his residence, arrests him without a separate warrant based on the existing warrant of commitment.

Example 2: Escaped Prisoner

Lisa, an inmate, escapes from prison. A warrant of commitment is issued for her return to custody. When found at a relative’s house, the police arrest Lisa without a separate warrant, executing the existing warrant of commitment.

Importance of Arrest by Person Executing Warrant of Commitment

Ensuring Legal Compliance

This provision ensures that individuals subject to a warrant of commitment are apprehended even if they are not in custody. It reinforces the authority of judicial orders and ensures compliance with legal decisions.

Effective Law Enforcement

By allowing authorized persons to arrest without a separate warrant, the law enables swift and effective law enforcement. This prevents delays that could arise from needing additional warrants and ensures that justice is served promptly.


The Arrest Act (Chapter 339) provides clear guidelines for arresting individuals subject to a warrant of commitment without requiring a separate warrant. This legal framework is crucial for maintaining order and ensuring compliance with judicial decisions. Understanding these provisions helps law enforcement officers and the public appreciate the importance of adhering to legal processes. It promotes transparency, accountability, and the effective administration of justice in Papua New Guinea.

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