Comprehensive Guide to Dog Registration Under the Animals Act (Chapter 329)


Comprehensive Guide to Dog Registration Under the Animals Act (Chapter 329)

The Animals Act (Chapter 329), specifically Part V, Division 3, Sections 78 and 79, provides detailed guidelines for dog ownership and registration. This legislation ensures that dog ownership is clearly defined and that all dogs of six months or older are properly registered. Compliance with these provisions helps maintain accurate records of dog ownership and supports effective animal control measures.

Defining Dog Ownership

Under the Animals Act (Chapter 329), a person is considered the owner of a dog only if they have had the dog in their possession or under their exclusive control for at least 14 consecutive days. This requirement ensures that ownership is clearly established and that responsibilities are properly assigned. The burden of proving that someone is not the owner falls on the individual in question.

Registration Requirements and Process

Dog registration is mandatory for dogs aged six months and older. Failure to register a dog can result in a fine. Registration can be done at the Subdistrict Office or other designated locations within the province. The process involves paying a registration fee, providing a description of the dog, and submitting a declaration affirming the accuracy of the description. Registration remains valid until the next June 30, ensuring that records are updated annually.

Real-World Examples

For instance, in a large urban area, dog owners must register their pets within the stipulated timeframe to avoid penalties. In contrast, a rural setting might offer more flexible registration options but still requires compliance with the basic requirements. These examples illustrate how the Act ensures consistent registration practices across different regions.


The Animals Act (Chapter 329) establishes clear rules for dog ownership and registration, emphasizing the need for accurate record-keeping and compliance. By understanding and adhering to these regulations, dog owners contribute to effective animal control and community safety. Proper registration not only meets legal obligations but also supports responsible pet ownership.

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