Prohibition of Cruelty to Animals


Prohibition of Cruelty to Animals

Section 95 of Part VI of the Animals Act (Chapter 329) outlines broad prohibitions against cruelty to animals, emphasizing a wide range of actions and situations where cruelty is unacceptable. This section aims to protect animals from various forms of mistreatment and ensure their well-being.

Key Provisions

Acts of Cruelty:

  1. General Cruelty: Any act or omission that results in cruelty to an animal is prohibited. This includes not only direct actions but also failure to act when such inaction leads to the animal’s suffering.
  2. Treatment and Handling: Animals must be treated humanely at all times, regardless of the situation or purpose. This includes the manner, extent, and circumstances under which they are used or handled.

Transportation and Confinement:

  1. Transportation: Animals should not be transported in a manner that causes unnecessary pain. This includes being driven, conveyed, or carried in a position that inflicts distress.
  2. Confinement: Animals must not be confined or impounded in conditions that cause unnecessary pain or suffering. This includes improper confinement or inadequate shelter.

Killing of Animals:

Manner of Killing: Any killing of an animal must be conducted without cruelty. This means that the method, position, and circumstances should avoid causing unnecessary suffering.


The penalties for violating these provisions include:

  1. Fines: Up to K200.00
  2. Imprisonment: Up to six months

Examples of Prohibited Actions:

  1. Cruelty Through Neglect: Failing to provide adequate food, water, or medical care to an animal in one’s custody.
  2. Abusive Treatment: Using an animal for work or recreation in a way that causes undue stress or harm.
  3. Inhumane Transport: Transporting an animal in a cramped or unsafe condition that causes injury or distress.
  4. Improper Confinement: Keeping an animal in a cage that is too small or lacks necessary amenities, causing suffering.


Section 95 sets a high standard for animal welfare by prohibiting a wide range of cruel practices. It ensures that animals are treated with respect and compassion, and it provides clear legal consequences for those who fail to meet these standards. Understanding and adhering to these provisions helps protect animals from unnecessary harm and promotes humane treatment practices.

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