Qualification for Admission to Practise Law


Qualification for Admission to Practise Law

If you want to practice law in Papua New Guinea, you must apply to the National Court for admission to practice law. When you are making such an application, what are the qualifications that you must satisfy to be eligible for admission? These qualification are provided under the Lawyers Act 1986. You must satisfy to the Court that you:

  1. possess the required academic qualification.
  2. possess the required practice qualification.
  3. Are a fit and proper person to be admitted as a lawyer.

Academic qualification

What is the required academic qualification that you must possess when making an application for admission to the National Court to practice law in Papua New Guinea? You must attain a degree of Bachelor of Laws from the University of Papua New Guinea. This is the main qualification you need. However, if the Admission Council (Council) make rules for admission which provides for other academic or educational qualification, you as an applicant must have those academic qualification. However, in the meantime, the Council has not made rules which prescribes other academic qualifications apart from a degree of Bachelor of Law.

Practice qualifications

What are the required practice qualifications that you must possess when making an application for admission to the National Court to practice law in Papua New Guinea? You must have a certificate that is signed by the Director of the Legal Training Institute (Institute) and the Attorney General, in his capacity as the Chairman of the Admission Council, wherein they certify that you have successfully completed the course of training that were conducted by the Institute. This is the main qualification you need. However, if the Council make rules for admission which provides for other practice qualification, you as an applicant must have those qualifications. However, in the meantime, the Council has not made rules which prescribes other practice qualifications apart from this certificate from the Institute.

Fit and proper person test

You must possess a certificate that is signed by the Attorney General of Papua New Guinea wherein he certifies that you are a fit and proper person to be admitted to practice law in Papua New Guinea. To make this certification, you will appear before the Attorney General for a personal interview. The Attorney General may require you to bring to the interview evidence of your fitness, academic and practice qualification. The Attorney General will request evidence as he thinks fit. If, after the interview, the Attorney General finds that you have not provided adequate evidence of your academic and practice qualifications, he may require the applicant to sit examinations and for this purpose he may set such examinations.

All in all, you must possess these three main qualifications before your make an application for admission in the National Court to practice as a lawyer in Papua New Guinea.

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