Understanding Dog Ownership Under Part V of the Animals Act


Understanding Dog Ownership Under Part V of the Animals Act

In Part V, Division 1 of the Animals Act (Chapter 329), Section 68 defines what constitutes the ownership of a dog. This section clarifies who is considered an owner and outlines various scenarios under which a person may be deemed responsible for a dog.

Who is Considered a Dog Owner?

According to Section 68, ownership of a dog is determined by several factors:

  1. Direct Care or Custody: A person who keeps, harbors, or has a dog in their care, whether the dog is at large or confined, is regarded as the owner.
  2. Occupancy of Premises: If a person occupies a house or premises where a dog is usually kept or allowed to remain, they are also considered an owner.
  3. Shared Housing Situations: In cases where a house or premises is divided into separate flats, apartments, or lodgings, the person who occupies a part of the property where the dog is usually kept or allowed to stay is considered an owner.

Real-World Applications

For instance, if a family adopts a dog and keeps it in their home, every family member who lives in that house is deemed a dog owner under this definition. Similarly, if a tenant in an apartment complex keeps a dog in their unit, they are considered the owner, even if other tenants share the same building.

If someone frequently cares for a neighbor’s dog while the owner is away, they could be considered the owner during that period, depending on their level of control or responsibility over the dog.


Section 68 of Part V of the Animals Act provides a comprehensive definition of dog ownership. It includes direct caretakers, those who reside in premises where dogs are kept, and individuals in shared housing situations. Understanding these definitions helps clarify responsibilities and obligations related to dog ownership, ensuring that all parties involved are aware of their roles and duties.

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